CNN • 9th October 2018 Hurricane evacuation: A beginner's guide More than 1,000 people move to Florida every day. That means there are a lot of new Floridians who haven't experienced a hurricane evacuation yet.
CNN • 17th July 2018 Stop worshipping guys like Elon Musk The story of Elon Musk — and by extension, society's unjustified confidence in tech geniuses — is starting to take a dark turn.
CNN • 31st March 2018 Holy hazelnut mocha! California has gone off the deep end California may now be placing a warning label on coffee. I'm quite certain this decision will backfire more loudly than an antique espresso machine with two broken pumps.
CNN • 23rd January 2018 Trump makes US a less attractive tourist destination Didn't it feel good to be No. 2 for a while? Well, enjoy the last few months of that ranking, because we're about to become No. 3.
CNN • 11th September 2017 My Irma evacuation: 600 miles and a few tips for Florida Florida knows it's going to have to deal with hurricanes every year (and their effects stand to get worse and worse). So it makes sense to devote more and more money and resources to solutions to this problem.
CNN • 7th September 2017 Trump should try to shock GOP leaders more often So let me get this straight: GOP leaders are surprised because (a) the most unconventional Republican President in history, who (b) used to "identify as a Democrat," who has (c) spent the last several weeks attacking GOP leaders on Twitter, has (d) cut a deal with the Democrats?
CNN • 21st June 2017 Men in shorts, unite Rather than give in to outmoded, suffocating standards of traditional dress codes, Joey Barge had an idea: Wear a dress.
CNN • 22nd May 2017 The real story behind Trump's glowing orb I know the glowing orb. The glowing orb is a friend of mine.
CNN • 25th April 2017 Trump's Canada tariff is Samantha Bee's fault When you threaten Trump's masculinity, your country cannot go unpunished.
CNN • 18th October 2016 The Dylan situation: Imagining the 'secret minutes' of a Nobel committee meeting Elsa taps her pencil against a yellow legal pad. "Any other ideas?"
CNN • 6th September 2016 No iPhone 7 headphone jack? Tim Cook: I'm begging you, please leave the headphone jack alone.
CNN • 28th July 2016 Operation Malarkey: 'Engage!' Joe Biden has shown us the way: Counter the fear and loathing with words from a 1940s Frank Capra movie where men wear hats and women in lipstick have snappy comebacks.
CNN • 29th June 2016 Brexit happy ending? Make UK the 51st state Let's understand this moment for what it really is: an opportunity for the United Kingdom to become the 51st state of America. The EU's loss is our gain. Call it the "Brentrance."
CNN • 20th December 2015 Christian colleges fail "love thy neighbor" test Are evangelical colleges caving in to Islamophobia?
CNN • 11th December 2015 Trump Vader: There's only one way to thwart him As the Roman orator Cicero once said, "By making our enemy small, inferior, despicable, or comic, we achieve in a roundabout way the enjoyment of overcoming him."
CNN • 3rd December 2015 Why does NRA allow guns for terrorists? This is not just a what-if scenario. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office recently released a report showing that from 2004 to 2014, people on terrorism watch lists successfully purchased guns no fewer than 2,043 times.
CNN • 20th October 2015 Six 'Back to the Future' predictions I'm glad did not come true While the movie nailed certain aspects of our time (including flatscreen TVs, nostalgia for the '80s, and even a successful Chicago Cubs season), we can be glad that not all the movie's predictions came true.
CNN • 29th July 2015 Democrats should thank Donald Trump Thank you for your antics. Thank you for your arrogance. And most of all, thank you for damaging the GOP brand -- possibly beyond restoration for quite likely the entire election season.
CNN • 13th July 2015 Hey Jeb: We already work too many hours Flat wages, shrinking bank accounts, declining living standards -- we've been thinking these were mystifyingly complex problems that resisted clear solutions. Turns out there's a simple way to make more money: Jebify our lives.
CNN • 28th April 2015 Shut down 'predator' for-profit colleges For those not familiar with the for-profit college fiasco, here's the whole story in one telling statistic: While for-profit colleges enroll only 13% of the nation's college students, such colleges account for nearly half of all student loan defaults, according to Department of Education statistics.